Thursday, January 14, 2016

Beyond Belief

by: LadyJo

With the rise of the sun, I open my eyes
Another day met with your love, why am I surprise
For you’ve never made a promise you don’t intend to keep
You said you’ll never leave me, so you’ve kept watch even while I sleep
Here this morn, with a whisper, you gently called my name
Gratefully, I awake with the earth to bid you acclaim
It is you oh God who arms me with strength
Who directs my path and keeps me content
See, in God’s love there is no defect
Which is why the path before me has been laid out and made perfect

This day… Yes! You Oh Lord have made
For it has already been written so I walk boldly into it faithful and unafraid
With each hurdle I jump, You give strength to my feet
You broaden the path beneath me so my ankles don’t turn so I won’t get off-beat
When I cross life’s rivers, You are there
To take my hand, help me cross above the water’s clear
Through valleys low and mountains peak
You’ve been at my side but carried me when I’ve been weak
I will feast on your words as you speak to my heart
Reply in prayer, we commune, as my morning starts
Reminding me that your compassion never fails
They are renewed every morning, because Your Love Always prevails
Giving me confidence to trust and resist evil
Helps in bringing my faith to a new level

So as the night say goodbye and you usher in the day
Help me walk in your spirit so from your presence I will not stray
And as I embark this day, on what is My life’s journey
Confident! I was created for this very moment, although I’m not worthy
It’s only because of Your grace and Your mercy, I exhale in relief

So whatever comes today… Will be… Beyond Belief!

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